Saturday, February 1, 2020


MAHAT: The Mahat (the Great One) is the first reality to emerge from Prakriti. It has a universal aspect as the source of the world, and a physical aspect as intelligence or buddhi in the living beings. It is responsible for rationality and discriminating awareness.

Notes from Kisari Mohan Ganguli in the Mahabharata translation:
- Dhaturadyam Vidhanam (in the Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva: Section CCCLII) is supposed by the commentator to imply what is known as Mahat i.e., the existence of Jiva before the consciousness of Ego arises.

The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva: Section CCCXXX (extract):
This entire universe of matter, and that which is called Mahat or Buddhi, are made up of the (five) great elements (earth, air, space, water, fire). That which is called Mahat is due to the action of the Supreme.

The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva: Mokshadharma Parva: Section CLXXXII (extract):
"Bhrigu said, 'There is a Primeval Being, known to the great Rishis, of the name of Manasa. He is
without beginning and without end. That Divine Being is incapable of being penetrated by weapons. He
is without decay and is Immortal. He is said to be Unmanifest. He is Eternal, Undecaying, and
Unchangeable. Through Him are creatures born and through Him they die. He first created a Divine Being known by the name of Mahat. Mahat then creates Consciousness.

The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva: Mokshadharma Parva: Section CCXLVI (extract):
The objects of the senses are superior to the senses themselves. The mind is superior to those objects. The understanding is superior to the mind. The Soul, also called Mahat, is superior to the understanding. Superior to Mahat is the Unmanifest (or Prakriti). Superior to the Unmanifest is Brahma. There is nothing Superior to Brahma.

The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva: Section CCCVI (extract):
The Supreme Soul is different from both the Jiva-soul and the universe. As the seasons though unendued with forms, are nevertheless inferred from the appearance of particular fruits and flowers, after the same manner, Prakriti, though formless, is inferred from the attributes of Mahat and the rest that spring from it.

The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva: Section CCCVII (extract):
The Sankhyas, whose system is built on Prakriti, say that Prakriti, which is Unmanifest, is the foremost.
From Prakriti, they say, O monarch, the second principle called Mahat, is produced. It is heard by us that
from Mahat flows the third principle called Consciousness.

The Mahabharata, Book 13: Anusasana Parva: Section CLXI (extract):
Because He (Shiva) is great (Mahat) and the Supreme Lord of all (Iswara), therefore He is called Maheswara.