Blog's author

Blog's author: Krishna Das

Here is a short summary of my life:
I was born in 1961 in Paris (France).
I met in France in the 80' the ISKCON movement when Bhagavan was their leader. I joined this movement and became a devotee for around 2 years, without being officially initiated. Then I chose to quit ISKCON for a freer life.
In 1994, after a few years in Goa (India) where I opened a restaurant, I moved to Vrindavan (Uttar Pradesh, India) where I met Srila Bhakti Aloka Paramadwaiti Swami, my Spiritual Master. He accepted my vow to become His disciple and I received my first initiation (when he named me Krishna Das), and soon after my second initiation (as Brahmana). After some time, I left Vrindavan to go back to France to resume my professional career.
I worked many years in Europe and in Africa as senior executive for several companies, while keeping an intimate and deep link with the Vaishnava philosophy, and with the daily study of the Mahabharata.
I have been married and I have a daughter (now 19 years old).
I live now a simple life with the goal to reach the ultimate emancipation, back to Godhead.

My favourite daily Mantra :

Om Narayanaye Vidmahe
Vasudevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Vishnu Prachodayat


Om, Let me meditate on Lord Narayana,
Oh, Lord Vasudeva, give me higher intellect,
And let Lord Vishnu illuminate My Mind.
